Should You Have a First Look?

What is a first look? 

This is a private moment leading up to the ceremony where the couple sees each other for the first time with no other witnesses around. This moment is often filled with smiles, tears and ALL the emotions one can feel. It is the perfect time to take in each other and the beauty of the day before walking down the aisle in front of your family and friends. 

As a photographer I will always recommend a first look to my couples. This is such an amazing moment to cherish with your soon to be spouse. I will capture it all and then give you a few moments alone to let you take each other in before walking down the aisle and promising forever. 

Are you asking yourself, “Should I have a first look?” If so, read on to help you answer that question. 

Are you or your fiancé introverted or shy? This is the perfect time to fight off the butterflies and see each other for the first time in an intimate setting with no audience. Except your photographer, aka professional 3rd wheel, we have to capture the beautiful moment that you will forever cherish! 

Wanting to share a private moment before walking down the aisle? A first look is the perfect time to do this. This is the last time you will see each other before becoming husband and wife. This moment can be powerful, emotional and truly moving. 

Are you having a late fall or winter wedding? The sun sets earlier from November - March so if you are having an afternoon wedding I would recommend a first look. This will ensure that you get in all of the bride and groom portraits prior to the ceremony during the daylight. 

Do you want to spend more time with your guests during cocktail hour? Having a first look and knocking out bridal portraits and wedding party photos prior to the ceremony is the way to go. Then the only photos that will need to take place after the ceremony are any family photos you would like captured and off to the cocktail hour you go! 

Do you crave tradition and want your family and friends to witness your first reactions? If so, a first look may not be for you. The walk down the aisle first look may be more your cup of tea! 


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